
Due to the energy needed for agricultural production, the use of modern appliances, population growth and the increasing need for food, energy demand in the agricultural sector has increased significantly. In addition to this need, pumps, generators, motors, etc. To meet the need to power agricultural machinery, there is a need for a substitute energy source that can reduce dependence on fossil fuels and conventional energy. There have been new reforms and technologies in agriculture. Many countries, including the US, Australia and China, have started to promote the use of renewable energy sources for various agricultural uses.

Compared to other renewable energy sources, solar energy for agriculture is a particularly important and abundant resource. The use of solar energy has the potential to revolutionize the agricultural industry in many ways, including the conservation of precious water resources, less dependence on the grid, long-term cost savings in energy and even the creation of a new source of income. Solar energy has many uses in the agricultural sector and more installations are now possible as the cost of installing and maintaining a solar installation has fallen due to advances in the industry.

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