Consulting Services

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Corporate Company Consulting

Corporate consultancy is an independent and objective professional consultancy service that analyzes the management and financial problems of companies and institutions, offers solutions, saves expenditures, supports companies and institutions to manage their change and development processes, and as a result, helps them reach their corporate goals with more confident steps and savings. Corporate consulting also includes management consulting, which assists in planning, organizing and organizing, ensuring workflow, and coordinating and controlling mechanisms within the company or institution. In other words, corporate advisory is a concept that includes management functions and how this is reflected in corporate objectives. Institutionalization means that the processes in a company are carried out within the system without depending on the initiatives and methods of the people who manage or are involved in the process.

So why corporate advisory services? Companies that grow and develop rapidly in the sector in which they operate, and that are constantly moving forward both in terms of number of personnel and turnover, start to experience some difficulties after a while. Naturally, as the company grows, additional processes are added to the existing ones, new jobs start to emerge, i.e. spontaneously. In this case, the company starts to get confused in the workflows, and some of the work is not owned and everyone is trying to pick up the slack, because even though it is being done, it is not actually defined and delegated to someone. This further increases internal confusion, communication breaks down between staff and departments, and chaos ensues. This has a negative impact on business results and customer satisfaction, and results in invisible costs that are not recognized because they cannot be measured, but can add up to large sums of money. As a result, the rapid development and growth that had been achieved begins to slow down or even decline. In this case, a good corporate governance consultancy service should be obtained and the foundations of the company’s corporate future should be laid firmly.

K&P Energy is here to help you find the best solution you need. In an ever-changing and globalized world, you cannot achieve excellence by sticking to traditional solutions or leaving the growth of your business to chance. The best companies in the current market situation are those that adapt quickly to changing conditions and are ready for the unexpected. Whether your goal is to expand a branch of your business or to completely transform your business and make it more competitive, our experienced consultants are working to help you make and implement the right decision.

Mergers and Acquisitions Consultancy

In an increasingly competitive labor market, mergers and acquisitions are key businesses to grow fast and stay ahead of the competition. In this way, companies gain economies of scale and increase their productivity. The most important thing in the aggregation of companies and acquisitions is the level of identifying the right company and the right price. If the right connections are not made, problems may occur in the future. K&P EnergyWe guide you through the acquisition and integration process, formulate your strategy and aim to bring you the most value.

Within the framework of our support to our clients for strategic or financial partnerships, some of the workflow steps of the foreign or domestic partnership process for your companies are as follows:

  • Finding potential strategic and financial investors and signing confidentiality agreements without disclosing the names of our clients,
  • Creation of briefing booklets, IM, management presentation, business plans, feasibilities and other marketing documents,
  • Creation of the valuation analysis report with DCF, comparable market multiplier or comparable transaction multiplier in international standards,
  • Preparation of an advisory report on company value, shareholding structure and commercial terms of the partnership,
  • Management of the financial audit process and creation of the financial data room,
  • Coordination of the work of legal, accounting and tax advisors affecting the value of the Company throughout the partnership negotiations,
  • Preparation of the Company Sales Agreement and Partnership Protocol in coordination with the lawyers, obtaining permissions from the Competition Authority and other sectoral organizations regarding the new partnership

Investment Advisory

Investment advice is the task of making written or verbal statements and recommendations about capital goods and the companies and institutions that provide them for a person or group with different financial status, risk and return, in line with the request of our investors. The main objective of the investment advisory department, K&P Energy to create a long-term and multifaceted relationship between the Company and our customers and to ensure the continuity and sustainability of all services provided. All information obtained from market and regional reports provided to our clients within the scope of investment consultancy, K&P Energy is an objective analysis based on reliable sources and documents, conducted carefully and cautiously by the research team.

In line with your risk profile and return targets, our Investment Advisory department shares with you its comments and recommendations on money and capital market instruments and the partnerships and institutions that issue them, and does not leave you alone when making your investment decisions.

The services we provide within the scope of our Investment Advisory service:

  • Identifying your risk and return preferences,
  • Preparation of asset allocation and recommendations tailored to your risk profile,
  • Sharing its views and recommendations on the markets through a wide range of daily, weekly, quarterly and annual reports,
  • Creating model investment portfolios and ensuring that these portfolios are closely monitored and updated instantly according to changing market conditions.

Financial Advisory

Businesses commercial activities as it grows money flow is accelerating and money right Using the need for financial management importance of shows. Mali management, company’s financial and strategic decisions Determinations, needs right Detection eder and income and expenditure balance for determined targets reached and not reached Control It does. We help you manage challenging business conditions and stabilize your business in a short time. We also work with you to navigate the crisis and repositioning strategies when markets recover. We are with you at every stage of the transformation process with forward-looking corporate strategy, access to capital and financing, financial structuring, mergers and acquisitions. K&P Energy as Balance Sheet Analysis, Investment Decisions before feasibility studies, banking their relationship management, all financial activities planning, companies financial their status evaluation, financial obligations Analysis, development Fieldsthe company’s management in determining Counseling services we offer.

Evaluate Your Investments

Take advantage of our expertise to make the most of your investments. Increase your profitability with the right investment strategies.